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Chemult Bible Fellowship

is a mission church dependent on the Body of Christ outside of our area for prayer and financial support.


Thank you for investing in the work of the Lord here at Chemult Bible Fellowship so more people will be rescued from the gates of Hell. Chemult Bible Fellowship is a mission church so we depend on those in the Body of Christ, like you, for prayer and financial support to cover the expense of this mission.


Chemult Bible Fellowship is a 501 c3 nonprofit Gospel ministry, so your gifts to God here are tax deductible.


You can make your check payable to
Chemult B
ible Fellowship
and mail it to:


Chemult Bible Fellowship
PO Box 135
Chemult, OR 97731


OR ...

you can give online by clicking on either the or the PayPal button below:


Note that takes up to 3 to 4 days for Chemult Bible Fellowship to receive. 

Giving with PayPal Chemult Bible Fellowship receives it the next day.

Both and PayPal accept Credit or Debt cards and you have the choice to cover the fee so Chemult Bible Fellowship will receive your entire offering - this is greatly appreciated.

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